
My Tiny Steps

Design Experience

Photography Experience

📁 My Early Steps


In Riyadh, I joined the human race. 


A monitor, a mouse, a keyboard, and chocolate milk.

We had a computer in our house since I was young. We were lucky to have one. I don’t recall the first time I used a computer, but I do remember playing games with my cousins on a computer that ran on -DOS-.

In 2006, my father showed me how to use Photoshop. He told me to “learn what each button in Photoshop does”, and that’s exactly what I did. Some features were easy to grasp, while others were more confusing.

My cousin and I had a friendly rivalry in learning Photoshop. The rule was simple: whoever taught the other more things would win. This motivated us to learn faster and better. We used Photoshop 7, or as we called it “Eye’s Photoshop”, because of the eye with a magnifying glass on the welcome screen.


Three cousins with a combined age of 33 established a “holding group”🤷🏻‍♂️

We assigned ourselves different roles, some as “managers” and some as “employees”🤣. We also made an introductory slide explaining the vision for each company in the “group”. We used the initials of our names back then.


Nikon D700
Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G
Nikon Speedlight SB-900

For my first photography job, I used these equipment. They made up 5% of my weight. Over the next ten years, I photographed more than 150 events, including some international ones.

Proud and happy owner of Nikon gear.


In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I attended a bootcamp on how to tell stories using the “video” medium. I was the youngest participant. I learned the basics of video storytelling and content narration there. This video was my first creation, and it marked the start of my journey into video making. I will always cherish the memory of my grandfather’s proud eyes when he saw this video.

I live in the content side of video production, I know the technical and creative side, but I am not the most skilled in them. In this post, I wrote about content-based video editing, which I think I excelled in.


15 days before the launch

The first clip that I made with a real value. This clip was shown to His Excellency the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development. The clip documented the last fifteen days of the Droob team before its official launch.



I closed the chapter of high school and opened a new one at Prince Sultan University majoring in marketing.